Grof® Legacy Training - Latin America
(Presencial - Online)
In 1975 at the Esalen institute, Stanislav and Christina Grof developed a revolutionary work of self-exploration and psychotherapy, based on the therapeutic effects of the Holotropic states of Consciousness. Grofian Transpersonal Psychology works as a method with holotropic therapy, the result of modern consciousness research. This can be done with holotropic breathing (Grof® Breathwork) and with psychedelics - Grofian Psychedelic Therapy (Grofian Psychedelic Therapy)
Since 2008, the Grof Latin America Transpersonal Training, Grof® Legacy Training Latin America, has been an authorized representative of the Grof's to teach the International Training and Certification Program in Transpersonal Psychology and holotropic breathing (Grof® Breathwork). This program has been reviewed, extended and deepened by Dr. Stanislav Grof and Brigitte Grof in 2020.
In this training, participants will develop theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that are the result of more than 60 years of scientific investigation of holotropic states of consciousness. These have great healing, transformative, heuristic, and even evolutionary potential.
Holotropic states were identified in clinical investigations by Dr. Stanislav Grof MD, PhD .; the term holotropic literally means "moving towards wholeness". The application of holotropic states to psychotherapy and deep self-exploration opens up unique opportunities for both the understanding and method of contemporary psychology and an experiential access to personal spirituality.
How does it work?
We offer you a complete theoretical training program in Grofian Transpersonal Psychology and Transpersonal Vision, together with a process of study and experiential and theoretical training in holotropic breathing (Grof® Breathwork).
Te We invite you to train in a deep self-exploration and therapeutic method that has proven its healing potential. a formarte en un método terapéutico y de autoexploración profunda que ha demostrado su potencial curativo. It is based on decades of clinical research on the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness.
The International Training Program in Transpersonal Psychology and Certification for Holotropic Breathing Facilitators, (Grof® Breathwork) is directly approved, authorized and certified by Dr Stanislav Grof PhD. Co-Founder of Transpersonal Psychology and Creator of Holotropic Breathing.
The circular character training allows you to start the training in any module, thus giving you facilities to take it according to your own times, rhythms and preferences.
The training consists of 7 modules plus an extended certification module. Four modules are in Online format and three are face-to-face (6 days), plus the final Certification module (face-to-face, 10 days). And between each module, experiential Holotropic therapy practices are carried out and the themes are deepened with specific readings. * see requirements to be certified at the bottom of this page
In the graph, the modules that are in yellow correspond to the Online format and the white ones to the face-to-face format.
Grofian Psychology
* This module will be given online exclusively in 2020 due to the Coronavirus context
The Facilitator's Adventure
Spiritual emergencies or crises
Body Work
Psyche and Cosmos
Music and Integration
Roots of Violence and Human Ambition
Leading international trainers and facilitators with vast international experience will participate in the Training modules such as Stanislav Grof MD, PhD, Richard Tarnas PhD, Viktoria Luchetti, Ps. Javier Charme MA, Venerable Lama Khempo Phuntzok Tanzin Rinpoche, Ps. Paula Guzmán Luvecce MA., And others.
Exclusive Certification
The Grof® Legacy Training is the only training program in Grofiana Transpersonal Psychology, to be certified as a facilitator of Holotropic Breathing (Grof® Breathwork) supported and endorsed by Brigitte Grof and Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD., Co-founder of Transpersonal Psychology and creator of Holotropic Breathwork (Grof® Breathwork)
Our program is completely revised and updated (2020) by Dr. Stanislav Grof together with his wife Brigitte Grof, to cover in an even more complete, academic and profound way the breadth of his work today.
Vive una Experiencia:
The presentials modules are carried out in a residential Setting, in which you will participate in modules of six days and five nights, each one covering different thematic axes relevant to the work.
The groups are of moderate size, and allow us to accompany us in our internal work, learn in the process, develop important links and participate in the national and international Holotropic community.
International community:
People from different countries participate who share an interest in Transpersonal Psychology, self-exploration and Holotropic Experiential Therapy and its possibilities.
Study groups
Once your training process has started and after it is finished, you will be able to participate for free in different study groups and activities, together with the international holotropic community.
Previous studies:
You can participate in the training modules and get certified, without being a psychologist or psychiatrist.
We reserve the right not to certify those who do not meet the requirements of the training program, and the right to withdraw the certification of those who do not act in accordance with the ethical agreements and principles of Holotropic Breathing, stipulated and signed at the beginning of the process.
Ps. Javier Charme (Chile) MA.:
Ps. Javier Charme, director and professor Grof Transpersonal Training for Latin America. He trained closely with Dr. Grof. Master in East-West Psychology, with a specialization in CIIS USA Transpersonal Psychology. He has conducted nearly 400 group sessions in 10 countries since 1998 and has participated in the training of hundreds of transpersonal therapists in America. For more than a decade he taught classes in Psychology and Transpersonal Psychotherapy at the Universidad del Pacifico and has taught in several postgraduate programs in South America. He is an international lecturer on topics related to Psychology and Transpersonal Psychotherapy. He has organized several congresses on psychology and transpersonal psychotherapy.
Viktoria Luchetti (Alemania) :
Co-director of the Grof Transpersonal Training for Latin America. She met Stan and Cristina Grof in 1986, with whom she studied Transpersonal Psychology and was trained as a Holotropic Breathing Facilitator in the first training offered. Since then he has led workshops and assisted Dr. Grof in trainings and conferences in the United States, Canada, South America and Europe. Additionally, her interest in the field of Authentic Movement, Dance and Therapy is passionate. He traveled to the United States where he studied with Anna Halprin, developer of the "Life Art Process". She was amazed by the healing and therapeutic power of art and body movement, which she has incorporated into her work.
Ps. Paula Guzmán Luvecce MA.:
Clinical Psychologist. He currently performs Psychotherapy with adults from a Transpersonal perspective. International Master's Degree in Sports Psychology at the University. University Professor of the subjects Humanist and transpersonal psychotherapeutic strategies, Psychological Theories II(Systemic, Humanist and Transpersonal Approach) and Professional Skills Workshop I and II. She has organized several International Congresses on Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy, and has been a speaker at different talks on Mindfulness, Psychology and Buddhism, which she has been practicing for more than a decade.
Khenpo Phuntzok Tenzin Rinpoché
He was born in 1966 in the town of Taruk, Ladakh, region of the Indian Himalayas. At the age of 8 he entered the Sharkul Phuntzok Chöling monastery, of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. Since 1996 he has been in our country spreading Buddhist teachings - at the request of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche, head of his lineage.
After his studies and internships at Sharkul Phuntzok Choling, he moved to the Shatrup Jam Yang Ling Center, specializing in philosophical studies of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, where under the direction of Khenpo Könchok Tokdrol Rinpoche, he received and studied the Thirteen Major Texts of Buddhist Studies, that are part of the academic formation in the monastic universities of the lineage.
His training as a Master in Philosophy (Khenpo) includes studies and initiations received from the main lamas from the different lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Completed their studies and responding to the request of S.S. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche after continuing to perfect his studies in philosophy, he moved to his lineage headquarters and Jangchub Ling Center for Higher Studies in Dhera Dun, North India, where he received the compendium of Drikung Kagyu teachings, Gong Chik, to later carry out, in a cave in the Himalayas, the traditional three-year retreat of the "Fivefold Path of Mahamudra", according to the lineage of Naropa.
Ps. Brigitte Grof:
Brigitte Grof is a registered psychologist and licensed psychotherapist and artist with over 30 years of experience in Holotropic Breathing and extended states of consciousness. From the beginning he has taught modules in the USA, France and Germany. Since 2014 he has developed and taught his own individual therapy method. His artistic work has been inspired by his experiences in expanded states of consciousness and by shamanic art from different cultures. In 2017 his book The True King, An Illustrated Spiritual Fable was published in English.
You will also receive recorded classes from:
Dr. Stanislav Grof MD., PhD.
Stanislav Grof, M.D., PhD., Is a psychiatrist with over sixty years of experience investigating holotropic states of consciousness, a large and important subset of non-ordinary states that have healing, transformative, heuristic, and evolutionary potential. In the past, he was Principal Investigator at the Center for Psychiatric Research at the Institute for Psychiatric Research in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Head of Psychiatric Research at the Johnland Center for Psychiatric Research, Assistant Professor at the Baltimore Psychiatric University in Baltimore, and Scholar in Residence at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA.
Richard Tarnas PhD.
Richard Tarnas PhD., Is a cultural historian and professor of philosophy and deep psychology whose first book, The Passion of the Western Mind, became a best-seller and was required reading at many universities. A Harvard University graduate, he is the founding director of the Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness graduate program at the California Institute for Comprehensive Studies in San Francisco, and also teaches on the faculty of the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara.
Through training you will become:
Facilitator in individual and group sessions of holotropic breathing (GROF® Breathwork).
An expert holotropic therapist
Support for people with spiritual emergencies
A people prepared to accompany others in the mysterious process of dying
Students of archetypal astrology as a framework goal, both for life and for holotropic experiences
A Transpersonal Therapist with a solid foundation in Grofian Transpersonal Psychology
An experienced Facilitator, certified by Grof® Legacy Training and internationally recognized
Once your training is finished, if you want you can continue your studies and specialize in Grofian Psychedelic Therapy or Archetypal Astology
In each of the following tabs you can find information on the main topics that will be addressed in each of the modules:
- Module 1: Grofian Psychology
- Module 2: The Facilitator's Adventure
- Module 3: Emerging from Spirituality and Psychospiritual Crises
- Module 4: Body Work
- Module 5:Psyche and Cosmos I
- Module 6:Music and Integration
- Module 7: Roots of Violence and Human Ambition
- Certification
- Elective Advanced Studies: Grofian Psychedelic Therapy / Archetypal Astrology
In addition to the modules there are some requirements that you will need to complete to become a Grof® Legacy Training Facilitator, at the end of this page you will find the necessary requirements in detail.
"According to the new discoveries, emotional and psychosomatic disorders have a structure of multilevel, or multidimensional, with important additional roots at the perinatal and transpersonal level. These elements represent a radically new and more complete vision of what psychopathology is and of new therapeutic perspectives. "
(Dr. Stanislav Grof. PhD.)
This module explains the contribution of Stanislav Grof, qualified as “the most significant in the recent history of deep psychology, and indeed, the most important advance in this entire field, since Freud and Jung” (Richard Tarnas PhD.). Dr. Grof's 60 years of research have allowed a new way of understanding the unconscious and its dynamics, psychopathologies and the origins of psychogenic symptoms, allowing new understandings about healing processes and the therapeutic application of expanded states of consciousness. .
Dr. Stanislav Grof has been one of the earliest and renowned pioneers of these realms, through his decades of legal and scientific research on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, and his innovative understanding of non-ordinary states, based on experiential forms. psychotherapy, and his exhaustive studies of art, shamanism, and myths.
From Stan's work, a new “cartography” of the human psyche has emerged, which recognizes the relevance of birth experiences and introduces us to the transpersonal domains, most commonly explored by shamans and healers.
Stan's research led him to co-found the discipline of Transpersonal Psychology, which builds from individual psychology to include more advanced states of consciousness - as well as exciting new areas to explore in an "Adventure of Self-discovery."
As you explore these realms, you will gain a deeper appreciation for your ability to grow, a deeper insight into your own life, and an expanded toolbox for clearing old traumas from your mind and body.
This perspective frees you from your limiting feelings and ideas about who you areand what you believe you are capable of being and achieving.
Some topics that will be addressed in this module:
- The expanded map of the Human psyche: You will have a unique opportunity to explore this revolutionary paradigm and its implications - in your own therapeutic process and for your work with others. We will explore the traces left by life, birth and pregnancy and even the transpersonal collective unconscious. By opening yourself to the deepest dimensions of your psyche, you will find a new world of understanding, from seeing how your body sustains energy linked to physical trauma, to appreciating how your birth experience gives you a "mold" for how you navigate your difficulties, until you open yourself to a deep transpersonal guide for your daily life.
- Systems of Condensed Experiences (COEX): You will understand how these constellations of multidimensional memories of different moments in life and even beyond work. You will learn how these stain and modify our perceptions and daily experiences.
- Psychopathology: You will obtain a novel and practical understanding of emotional problems and the most effective forms of therapy, which will allow you to develop a deep confidence in the self-healing intelligence of your organism, displayed through holotropic processes.
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist.
(To learn more about Grofiana psychology Click here)
"Probably the most important challenge that the practice of Holotropic Breathing represents for psychotherapists is the redefinition of the nature of therapeutic intervention and the role of the therapist. This includes a radical departure from the concept of the therapist as an active agent (" actor " ), which attempts to achieve an intellectual understanding of the client's problems and derive from it an appropriate intervention: interpretation, analysis of transference, use of silence, etc. In Holotropic Breathing, the guiding principle is the inner healing intelligence of the respirator and the role of the facilitator is to support the process that is unfolding spontaneously.The ability to trust the self-healing potential of the psyche and to abstain from judgment of any kind is one of the most important requirements for productive and successful work with Holotropic states. of consciousness "
(Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD.)
Holotropic therapy has important practical and economic advantages. It allows you to get to the roots of emotional and psychosomatic problems on levels that are not available in verbal therapy. These accelerate and deepen the access to the unconscious material, in this way the elaboration and processing of physical traumas that underlie different emotional disorders and their bodily correlates becomes possible, which cannot be achieved through verbal therapy.
This module gives you a broad overview of the Holotropic Breathing process, the role of the facilitator will be explained, and all the key topics related to this powerful form of self-exploration and psychotherapy will be covered. Working with the exquisite therapeutic power of holotropic states requires having a defined and precise set and setting. In Holotropic Breathing we have a very proven one, which derives from Stan's many decades of clinical research.
Some topics that will be addressed in this module
- Medical form: You will learn how to understand and evaluate the physical situation of your participants through the use of the medical form
- Introductory talk:You will learn to make a good talk that prepares and informs about everything necessary, both theoretically and in practical aspects about the holotropic experience, so that it is effective and safe.
- Relaxation:You will receive an affective model to carry out the relaxation prior to the beginning of the experience.
- Sharing: You will learn the keys to group work in the sharing sessions and the role of the facilitator in these
- Mandalas. You will understand the history and therapeutic use of art and mandalas as an integral part of the process.
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist.
- Ps. Javier Charme MA. (Chile)
- Ps. Paula Guzmán Luvecce MA. (Chile)
(To learn more about Holotropic BreathingClick here)
The training consists of 5 online modules and 2 face-to-face modules of 5 nights and 6 days, plus an extended certification module. In each classroom module, 4 Holotropic breathing sessions are carried out. Each person can take the training at their own pace and complete it according to their possibilities. The entire process can be done in a period of 3 years. (under certain conditions this process could be accelerated).
"Although going through a state of crisis is often difficult and frightening, it also carries enormously evolutionary and healing potential. If properly understood and treated as difficult stages in a natural developmental process, spiritual emergencies can produce spontaneous healing of various emotional and psychosomatic disorders, positive changes in personality, solutions to important life problems, and an evolution toward what some call 'higher consciousness´"
(Dr. Stanislav Grof. PhD.)
Western science has been dominated by monistic materialism, which has no room for any kind of spirituality. Modern psychiatry does not have a category that resembles "spiritual experience" or "mystical experience"; All of these experiences are seen as manifestations of serious mental illness or "psychosis." This is an unfortunate mistake caused by a shallow and inappropriate model of the psyche used by academic psychiatry. This model does not recognize the perinatal and transpersonal domains as legitimate dimensions of the human psyche, and views experiences originating there as products of an unknown pathological process. Modern consciousness research has shown that, properly understood and supported, spontaneous episodes of Holotropic states can be healing, transformative, evolutionary, and serve as an invaluable source of paradigm-breaking information about consciousness, the human psyche, and even the human psyche. nature of reality.
Many people go through a deep personal transformation associated with a spiritual openness. Under favorable circumstances, this natural and beneficial process leads to emotional healing, a radical change in values, and a deep awareness of the sacred dimension of existence. For some, these changes are gradual and relatively mild, but for others they can be spectacular and dramatic, coming to interfere in an abrupt, demanding and challenging way in their daily lives.
Stan and his late wife Christina coined the term "Spiritual Emergency" which refers to episodes of Holotropic states of consciousness that are so intense that they interfere with the ability to function properly in everyday life. They describe the triggers of these episodes; characteristics that differentiate them from psychotic episodes; its most important forms; and ways to support them that amplify their therapeutic and transformative potential. Proper management of these episodes benefits not only the individuals involved, but also society as a whole, since the successful completion and integration of spiritual emergencies typically leads to a worldview, hierarchy of values, and life strategy. that would increase humanity's chances of survival.
"In modern societies, spiritual values have been widely ignored and replaced by materialistic considerations. Today it is increasingly evident that the longing for transcendence and the need for inner development are fundamental and normal aspects of human nature" (Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD)
Some topics that will be addressed in this module:
- Emergence and emergence of spirituality: You will discover a broad vision about the essence of the spiritual awakening process, in the light of clinical research. It examines the different types, their differential diagnosis against psychosis, initial interactions and what to do specifically to support someone in this situation appropriately, thus favoring a positive resolution.
- Psychospiritual Crises: Understanding the relevant topic of psychospiritual crises will give you a new look at problems as complex and recurrent as alcoholism and drug addiction, allowing you a deeper understanding and a new practical approach, to be able to support people who suffer from it.
- Therapeutic potential:You will discover that an important sub-category of non-ordinary states that are currently misdiagnosed as psychosis, are actually crises of spiritual openness, which have great transformative and therapeutic potential.
- Categories: You will discover the most important types of spiritual emergencies, and their characteristic phenomenology, their triggers, and the characteristics that differentiate them from psychoses
- Relevance: You will understand how the proper treatment of these crises can have individual and collective implications.
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist.
(To learn more about spiritual emergencies Click Here)
- Ps. Javier Charme MA.
- Ps. Paula Guzmán M.A.
- Ps. Emma Bragdon PhD.
- Ps. David Lukoff, PhD.
"The physical manifestations that develop throughout breathing in different areas of the body are not simple physiological reactions to hyperventilation. They have a complex psychosomatic structure and, generally, a specific psychological meaning for the individual involved. Sometimes, it represents an intensified version of tensions and pains, which the person knows from daily life, either as a chronic problem or as a symptom that appears in moments of emotional or physical stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, weakness due to illness or the use of alcohol or marijuana. At other times, they can be recognized as the reactivation of old latent symptoms that the individual suffers from infancy, puberty or some other time in his life."
(Dr. Stanislav Grof. PhD.)
The process of intensification of tensions and the consequent relaxation tends to move from one part of the body to another in a way that varies from person to person, in holotropic states. The amount of muscular tensions and intense emotions associated with them decreases with the number of sessions. Prolonged rapid breathing over a long period of time changes the body's chemistry in such a way that blocked physical and emotional energies associated with various traumatic memories are released and made available to us for peripheral processing and discharge. This allows the previously repressed content of these memories to surface into consciousness and can be integrated. It is a healing process that we want to encourage and support, and not a pathological process that must be repressed, as is normally done in conventional medicine.
In holotropic states the process takes us from the psyche to the somatic, and also allows us from unresolved bodily situations, by working effectively with them, to reach a fuller and more rooted integration. The body work carried out in an effective way allows to guarantee an optimal closure of the holotropic experience.
This module Understands body work in transpersonal therapy with expanded states of consciousness, the psychodynamic understandings that guide it and the precise way in which it is used in Holotropic Therapy applying different techniques, when indicated.
Some topics that will be addressed in this module:
- Vision: You will learn how Grofian Psychology and modern consciousness research inform and guide the use of specific bodywork.
- Method:You will understand the why of body work and you will be able to recognize when and how to use it.
- Practice: In an entertaining process applying and experiential you will know the various interventions and specific techniques that have shown over time to be effective, this will allow you to acquire practical and effective tools to help the respirators to achieve a better closure of the session in the case if necessary.
For those who are in the Training and Certification process, from this module onwards (having as a prerequisite at least two more modules), they will be able to begin their practice accompanying certified facilitators in Holotropic Breathing workshops.
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist.
(To learn more about Body Work click here)
- Viktoria Luchetti (Germany)
- Ps. Javier Charme MA. (Chile)
MODULE 5: Psyche and Cosmos
"Our psyches are established according to the structure of the universe, and what happens in the macrocosm, similarly happens in the infinitesimal and more subjective extensions of the psyche"
(C. Gustav Jung)
Astrology holds a unique place in our culture. It is one of the oldest and most integrated systems of knowledge in the world - with more than 5,000 years of history - and has been cherished by some of the greatest scholars and philosophers from ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire and on to the Renaissance and beyond.
One of the most fascinating findings of modern consciousness research is that archetypal astrology can provide a dynamic meta-framework that allows for better contextualizing and understanding of psychological crises and spiritual emergencies and even programming the most optimal timings for holotropic sessions. This important contribution to psychology is worked in depth by Stan together with Richard Tarnas PhD, author of the important works "The Passion of the Western Mind" and "Psyche and Cosmos". In this course, together with them, you can learn how to integrate this fascinating information to enrich your life and your work with others.
You will have a unique opportunity to explore this new paradigm and its implications, you will discover how archetypal astrology is based on the principle that the planets have a fundamental and cosmic basis that influences human existence, each planet corresponds to an archetypal dimension of the consciousness - a particular pattern that moves reality in a particular direction.
During more than 30 years of collaboration, the evidence for the role of Archetypal Astrology in understanding the depth of our personal psyches and the collective psyches became so compelling that these two pioneers simply decided to share the truth of their travels.
Some topics that will be addressed in this module:
Stan and Rick will guide you through the foundational competencies and skills you will need to successfully experience a deepening of truth, meaning, and purpose in your life by touching on the wisdom of archetypal astrology.
- Richard Tarnas PhD. (Recorded sessions)
- Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD. (Recorded sessions)
- FTG Staff Support
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist.
(To learn more about Archetypal Astrology Click Here)
"Carefully selected music serves important functions in holotropic states of consciousness. It mobilizes the emotions associated with repressed memories, brings them to the surface and facilitates their expression. It helps to open the door to the unconscious, intensifies and deepens the process. healing and provides a meaningful context for the experience. The continuous flow of music creates a conducting wave that helps the individual go through difficult impasse experiences, overcome psychological defenses, surrender and let go. "
Dr. Stanislav Grof. PhD.
In Holotropic Breathing, the consciousness-enhancing effect produced by the breath is enhanced through the use of evocative music. Like breathing, instrumental music and other forms of sound technology - monotonous percussion, vibrations, and singing - have been used over the centuries, or even millennia, as primary tools in shamanic practice, rituals healing and rites of passage from many parts of the world. Independently, many pre-industrial cultures have developed percussion rhythms that in experiments carried out in Western laboratories have demonstrable effects on the electrical activity of the brain. The archives of cultural anthropologists contain numerous examples of trance-inducing methods of extraordinary power, combining music, percussion, human voices, and body movement.
Some topics that will be addressed in this module:
- Structure: You will know and understand how to apply the structure of music in its various phases, which facilitates and characterizes Holotropic Breathing in a special way. In this way you will have the possibility to start making your own music set for your future holotropic therapy sessions.
- History: You will understand the cross-cultural use of music and the various sound technologies to induce and sustain holotropic states through time.
- Theory:You will know the theory that supports its application of music in holotropic therapy, with detailed explanations and examples, on the structure of each of the sections, so that you can improve your listening and musical sensitivity.
- Sound: You will know the technical requirements necessary to build a sound system with the optimal power and fidelity for this job.
- Integration: You will explore different forms of integration of the experiences lived in Holotropictherapy to expand your therapeutic tools.
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist. For those in training, this module counts as a required module.
(to learn more about the therapeutic potential of music Click here )
- Viktoria Luchetti (Germany)
- Ps. Javier Charme MA. (Chile)
MODULE 7: Roots of Violence and Human Ambition
"We seem to be involved in a race against time without precedent in the history of humanity. What is at stake is, neither more nor less, the future of life on the planet. If we continue to preserve the old strategies, which are clearly self-destructive, Human life is unlikely to survive. However, if there is an inner transformation in a sufficient number of people, perhaps we will reach a level of evolution of consciousness that does justice to the name we have given to our species: 'Homo Sapiens' "
(Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD, 2000)
The importance of observations of LSD psychotherapy, experiential approaches to self-exploration, and various forms of spiritual practices outweigh the narrow limitations of psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy. Many of the new discoveries are related to phenomena of fundamental importance, which may be important for the future of the race and human life on the planet. They suppose a new understanding of the forces that influence history, that of the dynamics of socio-political movements and that participate in the creative achievements of the human spirit in art, philosophy and science. This material also helps to understand many obscure chapters in the history of religion, facilitating a clear distinction between true mysticism and true spirituality, on the one hand, and mainstream religions and established churches, on the other.
Since time immemorial, violence and aggression have been among the most important forces that have guided history. Due to technological progress and exponential population growth in the 20th century, they have become a threat to the survival of life on the planet. It has become imperative to gain a deeper understanding of the roots of these forces in the human psyche and to find ways to reduce their impact on the world.
Some topics that will be addressed in this module:
- New insights: You will explore observations from research into Holotropic states of consciousness that offer new insights into insatiable ambition and extreme forms of violence and social pathology, such as wars, bloody revolutions, terrorism, suicide bombers, concentration camps, and genocide.
- Politics, Advertising and Symbolism: Through this module you will connect the dots between the striking similarities in the symbolism of posters and advertisements of wars, revolutions and other types of socio-political crises and the visions that accompany the revival of birth and death experiences and Renaissance. These observations strongly suggest that the perinatal and transpersonal levels of the unconscious are the source of malignant violence and insatiable ambition in the human psyche.
- Self-Healing: Explore the potential of Holotropic states to alleviate the influence of dangerous forces on the human psyche, which are largely responsible for the current global crisis and which threaten planetary survival.
- Ecology: we will talk about various current understandings and concrete practices to minimize our planetary damage, fostering a conscious and loving relationship with our environment and all its riches.
- Ps. Javier Charme MA. (Chile)
- Ps. Paula Guzman Luvecce MA. (Chile)
The benefits of Holotropic Breathing, led by experienced facilitators, cover a wide spectrum. The most obvious positive results that we have observed over the years are related to different emotional disorders and conditions that have traditionally been considered psychosomatic, such as psychogenic asthma, migraines and pain in different parts of the body that do not have an organic base. However, on occasions, greater improvements have occurred in individuals suffering from conditions that are generally considered mere medical problems (...). The positive effects of repeated Holotropic Breathing sessions generally go beyond the improvement of physical and emotional condition; they can suppose different changes in the personality of the respirator, his vision of the world, his vital strategy and his hierarchy of values "
(Dr. Stanislav Grof. PhD. In Holotropic Breathing)
Advanced Modules
In addition to the modules described, we offer advanced in-depth modules.
The most beautiful experience we can have is that of mystery ... He to whom this emotion is unknown and who can no longer pause to marvel and enter a rapture of awe, is already dead.
(Albert Einstein)
We invite you to expand your introvision in an extraordinary week, using the best of ancient medicines in their traditional context and the most profound Modern Transpersonal Psychotherapy. There will also be sessions of preparatory and integrative activities.
(To learn more aboutAncient Wisdom and Modern Science click here)
This online course can be validated with an optional module, adding two experiential Holotropic Breathing workshops to those required.
In this 6-month transformational intensive, Stan will explore the latest in modern research on understanding consciousness, the human psyche, and the nature of reality. You will discover a vastly enlarged cartography of the psyche. Special attention will be paid to observations and experiences that pose serious challenges to the reductionist and materialistic view of the Western science paradigm and that augur the urgent need for a radically new world view.
Each reflection and training session will be built harmoniously over the next, in such a way that you develop a holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles necessary to relate to a multitude of psychological experiences through an evolutionary lens.
(To learn more about El Camino del Psiconauta Click here)
Dr. Stanislav Grof PhD.
"A person who possesses true bodhichitta (compassionate heart), even without having any other qualities, will benefit whoever comes in contact with him. ... So, consider anyone who awakens bodhicitta in you as a true Buddha, be it a deity, a teacher, a spiritual partner, or anyone else."
(Patrul Rinpoche, Words from my perfect teacher)
In this special module, in addition to the work with Holotropic Breathing, we will have the presence of the venerable Khenpo Phuntzok Tenzin Rinpoché, of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, who will carry out teachings of the We will explore during the week some treasures and practices of Tibetan Buddhism, which can help you to be more attentive, present and loving in life and in our work.
(to learn more about the teacher click here)
You can take this module without having to commit to the training. It is not necessary to have previous experience inHolotropic Breathing® or to be a Psychologist or therapist.
For those in training, this module counts as an optional subject module.
- Javier Charme (Chile)
- Khenpo Phuntzok Tenzin Rimpoché
Some Activities that will be developed within the face-to-face modules
Theoretical Classes:
In this space you will be able to learn the theory behind Holotropic Breathing and transpersonal Psychology, each module will cover relevant topics directly related to work, which will allow you to have a deep and clear understanding of the process. At the same time, you will be able to clarify your doubts, review concepts that have not been clear to you, and enrich yourself with the questions and knowledge of all the participants.
Holotropic Breathing Sessions:
In two sessions you will have the role of caregiver which will give you experience on how the work is done, you will be able to see the facilitators work closely and thus gather experience for your future as a facilitator. In addition, the very experience of being in the care of another gives you deep personal growth.
In the other two sessions, you will have the role of respirator, thus deepening in your own way, traveling deep and knowing the technique from your own experience.
Experience integration sessions:
The integration sessions have an art therapy space that will allow you to focus and express your experience in a non-verbal way, facilitating integration in a gentle and loving way.
Another space of integration that you will find is through the connection with the body, through dialogue, or through movement, thus encompassing the different forms that each individual has of expression and integration. This will allow you to delve into your own process and in turn learn different tools of Transpersonal Psychology to work with another.
Time for exchange of questions and answers with the Trainers:
The times for questions with the facilitators will allow you to resolve doubts both theoretically and about your own process, having spaces of calm and closeness with the facilitators to have an intimate and deep conversation.
Tai Chi, Chi Kung or Meditation in the morning:
These millenary martial arts of Chinese origin allow you to work with the energies or blocks housed in the meridians, delivering physical, mental and emotional health. This will help you start the day centered, connecting with the present moment, facilitating the opening to the different experiences of which you will be part.
Also through mindfulness and meditation practices, we will expand our ability to be present.
Requirements for Certification
For people who wish to obtain certification in Transpersonal Psychology and as a Facilitator in Holotropic Breathing, they must take into account the following requirements:
A) Experience in Holotropic Breathing workshops: Participation in twenty (20) Holotropic Breathing experiences is required in the context of a group workshop. Of which:
- Ten (10) can be done with any certified facilitator attached to the program (it is necessary to participate in the theoretical talk at least 5 of these 12 times)
- Six (6) are carried out in workshops facilitated by the training trainers.
- Four (4): Practice is carried out accompanying their trainers as an assistant or "Floating". Each practice consists of carrying out the accompanied and supervised facilitation in a one-day workshop (2 HR sessions, in which the participants breathe and care, includes workshop preparation, theoretical talk and integration of the experience), and you will receive feedback. The practice can be done after having done at least three (3) modules, one of which must be "Body Work".
We make sure that all our facilitators go through a deep path of individual transformation, in order to accompany others with vast theoretical and experiential knowledge.
B) Training Modules: Four are in online format, three in face-to-face format, plus the final face-to-face Certification module.
C) Individual consultations: Ten (10) hours of individual consultations with certified HR facilitators are required throughout their training, which will be arranged by you directly, with the facilitator of your choice. The objective of these tutorials is to offer personal guidance in training, accompaniment, feedback about their progress, doubts related to the technique, theory or the personal process.
1) In order to develop the training process, six (6) of these sessions need to be carried out with their teacher trainers.
2) To create a music set for Holotropic Breathing, reviewed with your teacher trainer. This is after the required "Music and Integration" module.
3) In some cases, it is possible to replace the music set with the translation of a text, previously agreed with your trainer, from English to Spanish.
D) Duration of training: The proposed time is three and a half years. Being an international training, it is possible to carry out activities and carry out the training at an accelerated time. For the interest of your personal growth, as well as familiarization with the theory and method, we require a minimum of two and a half years in training, from the moment you completed your first module.
E) Intensive Certification Module:Approximately every two (2) years, we offer the intensive certification module for those who have met all or practically all the requirements mentioned above. This 10-day module is the culmination of your personal and collective journey throughout the training. Participants who have successfully completed this program will be given a Certificate certifying that they have completed Holotropic Breathing and Transpersonal Psychology Training. This certificate enables you to perform individual or group sessions of Holotropic Breathing (Grof Breathwork).
In specific cases, the person may carry out their certification with a pending requirement, to be carried out after the certification, before receiving their diploma and being able to carry out workshops.
F) Certification: The participant must demonstrate ethics, maturity and theoretical and practical understanding of the entire process and be able to carry out this work. In order to protect the technique and work, ensuring its quality and integrity, the training reserves the right to request additional requirements, not certify or decertify if necessary.
Value per activity
If your interest is to complete a specific module, without committing to the training and certification, enter here:
Annual payment value
If your interest is to complete the training and certification to be a Grof® Legacy Training Facilitator, you can subscribe to the annual payment, which includes cheaper values per activity.
Below you will find the value per year, what it includes, and the reference values of each activity if you paid for it independently.